"Youth initiative for equal opportunities of the women"

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“Youth initiative for equal opportunities of the women“

The project offer was about to stimulate the youth `s activity in the area of human rights ,equality between women and men and fight against gender discrimination . The aim of the 10-days exchange was to improve youth `s knowledge about gender equality , to work more effectively for overcoming of the prejudices and stereotypes about woman `s role in local communities. 28 youth from 4 countries took a part in the youth exchange.


The project included five educative modules and informative campaign “ European week for gender equality”. In European context- the results of two investigations ( lead by the partner organizations) were discussed. The investigations were about youth `s attitude to the problem about the gender equality and the media `s role against women `s discrimination.
The project foresaw lots of various discussible , theoretical and educative forms, cultural program , creative studio, making of informative and educative materials and spreading of information about the project and the program “ Youth In Action “.

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×àñúò å | fety777@abv.bg

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